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kids painting

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Does it matter?

Does preschool/early childhood education help young children succeed later in school/life? Does it matter if young children attend preschool? Do my children really benefit from a preschool program? These questions have come to my attention over the past year.

     I am intrigued now and 

I want to know how much people know of early childhood education. Do they know what it is? Have they heard of preschool? I didn't know about preschool programs when I had my children. That is why I never enrolled my kids in a preschool program. Does this mean that there isn't a lot of advocacy for early childhood education programs? And what about the parents that do know about early childhood programs and don't participate. What is their opinion about these programs?  

     I would also like to know what school boards and tax payers (that no longer have young children) really now about preschool. What do they agree with and what do they disagree about? 

     Even though I am working with an Early Childhood program I still have a lot to learn about early education in children and everything that comes with it. I will dig more into this topic. I think a good starting place is asking my co-workers basic questions like why do they think early childhood education is important? Also researching for statistics about early education in children might be an eye opener.

      I learned about Early Childhood Education in November of 2013, when I applied for a position at a school district. At first I thought it was just a job that required translation for Spanish speaking families. The first month of being hired I came to find out that it was more than that. It was all about the little life's that are being touched by incredible individuals that want the best for these children. Now I am part of this wonderful team. Now I advocate for Early Childhood Education. 


  1. Hi Monica, I really like this topic. I think early childhood education is really important. I work for Denver Public Schools, and this is a really hot topic right now. There are lots of studies out there that show if a student engages in ECE they are able to advance further in school in the upcoming years. Another good thing for you to look into would be the new Common Core Standards and how ECE could be a jumpstart. Another good topic that could relate is summer learning loss.

    1. Hi Ashley, it is very interesting to know that ECE is a hot topic globally. I will be researching various studies and statistics about ECE.
      Thank you for your ideas and interest!

  2. Monica,
    This is a very interesting topic to me. I have two grown children and they both work in early childhood ( daycare). I also have a grandchild, so I love to learn about what is best for these little ones! I am in a human development class right now, I just learned how much a child's brain is pruning back neurons so they can learn like wild fire! I wonder if region plays a part in getting the word out about ECE? I don't know a lot about ECE, is it offered in all districts? I look forward to reading your blog.

    1. Yes children's brain is like a sponge! I love to see how they can learn so quickly. Those are great questions that I will sure research.
      Thank you for your input!

  3. I also wonder if early childhood education is important. I never sent my two older children to preschool because the programs in our area are scarce. My two older boys are very bright. I have a new baby who is about to turn one and I wonder if sending him to preschool will be the right thing to do.
